Our ECHOage Birthday Heroes: Kids Giving to Charity for Birthdays

Meet Our Birthday Heroes

Meet Luca Mannarino our echoage hero

Luca Mannarino

SickKids Foundation


Meet Blake our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

Pokémon Elite Trainer Box

Meet Max our echoage hero


Baby Love Beginnings

Hockey cards

Meet Jacob our echoage hero


Right To Play Canada

Minecraft Video Game and some books he's wanted (Harry Potter, Diary of a Wimpy Kid).

Meet Aiden K our echoage hero

Aiden K

United Hatzalah Canada

Aiden has decided to save his money for a larger gift in the future, though he hasn't quite figured out what that gift will be yet. He's excited about the possibilities, and is looking forward to making a special choice when the time comes!

Meet Jojo & Elle our echoage hero

Jojo & Elle

Federation CJA

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleading related experience

Meet FAYE our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

She chose to use her money to go towards a Chromebook.

Meet Leah our echoage hero


Campfire Circle

A Care Bear and books

Meet Harrison and Henry our echoage hero

Harrison and Henry

Federation CJA

Through this program, Harrison and Henry were able to get themselves a Nintendo switch!

Meet Augie our echoage hero


POGO (Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario)

I haven’t chosen yet but I think I might buy myself some art supplies and a new silk screened poster… but I don’t know yet!

Meet Bodie our echoage hero


World Animal Protection Canada

Bodie wants to buy his brother a fish for their shared aquarium.

Meet Parker our echoage hero


Daily Bread Food Bank


Meet ROMY our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

Romy is still deciding what she wants to buy with the funds she received from her birthday party. Most likely it will be Hello Kitty or Super Mario themed. She is taking her time as she knows its an important decision.

Meet Naia our echoage hero


Make-A-Wish Canada

Lego set

Meet Stone! our echoage hero


Chai Lifeline Canada

Science lab experiments and Lego.

Meet Gabrielle our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

I was able to adopt 7 animals from Earth Rangers!!

Meet Aubrie our echoage hero


The Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation

Aubrie chose to raise funds for her the Montreal Children’s Hospital as part of her birthday present. The other funds she will keep as spending money.

Meet Emerson our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

I chose a grizzly bear plushie.

Meet Phineas Sizer our echoage hero

Phineas Sizer

Earth Rangers

I chose to give all of the donations to Earth Rangers.

Meet Aria our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

Red Fox Kit

Meet Berkeley our echoage hero


Community Association for Riders with Disabilities(CARD)

A mini fuzzy book and the rest in my bank account.

Meet Dimitri our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

Lego Dreamzzz Z-Blob Mech

Meet OLIVER our echoage hero


Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation

gaming chair

Meet Hazel our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

So far none - saving the funds for later!

Meet Sofia our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

The Polar Bear Adoption Kit

Meet ZACHARY our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

I donated 100% to SickKids. Some people still were nice enough to give me gift cards so I am saving up for a PlayStation game NHL 2025.

Meet Ethan our echoage hero


Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation

Haven’t decided yet

Meet Lena our echoage hero



A school playset for my doll

Meet Madi our echoage hero


Kayla's Children Centre

Madi is saving for some toys from Walt Disney World.

Meet Ellie Gauvreau our echoage hero

Ellie Gauvreau

Ontario SPCA and Humane Society

To get my ears pierced.

Meet Abi Katz our echoage hero

Abi Katz

United Hatzalah Canada

Everything sports related!

Meet Ezra Permack our echoage hero

Ezra Permack

Campfire Circle

Amazon tablet

Meet Hannah our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

She got a brand new pet - a fish!

Meet Izabella our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

Squishmallows, slime and makeup

Meet Jasmine our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

We chose 100% of the donations to go to SickKids.

Meet Nora our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

A Hoverboard

Meet Charlotte our echoage hero


Daily Bread Food Bank

Ice cream Maker

Meet Luke our echoage hero


Right To Play Canada

A Maple Leafs Nylander jersey.

Meet Declan our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

Declan has a beautiful new play set with swings, ladders and slides that he can enjoy for many more year to come!

Meet ARIEL our echoage hero


Save a Child's Heart


Meet Edward our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

I haven’t decided yet.

Meet Leah and Henry our echoage hero

Leah and Henry

SickKids Foundation

They can’t decide and now that they have money they might want to save it!

Meet STELLA our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

iFLY experience

Meet Kate our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

New indoor shoes.

Meet Eleanor our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

I chose to get a rabbit and red panda adoption kit.

Meet Eliya our echoage hero


Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation


Meet Charlie our echoage hero


Leket Israel

Sizing up from last year's dollhouse, this year Charlie will be getting a charlie-sized house for playing in the backyard!

Meet Anna's family our echoage hero

Anna's family

Earth Rangers

She chose monetary gifts to support with the 100% to Earth Ranges

Meet Oliver Rotman our echoage hero

Oliver Rotman

United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto

Trains trains and more trains

Meet Danika Parrish our echoage hero

Danika Parrish


I will buy treats, a crepe and a stuffy when I go to France

Meet Maya our echoage hero


Make-A-Wish Canada

For my birthday, i chose some fun arts and crafts supplies and a new book to do projects with my family and friends. I also chose a scooter to play outside this summer.

Meet Lucie our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

The Snowshoe Hare.

Meet ETHAN our echoage hero


Jumpstart Charities

A new Angels MLB hat and Angels jersey.

Meet Ryder our echoage hero


United Hatzalah Canada

A pet tortoise.

Meet Maya Dhillon our echoage hero

Maya Dhillon

Right To Play Canada

I put the money into my savings account.

Meet Rowan our echoage hero


Michael Garron Hospital Foundation

Chromebook and lululemon stuff

Meet Marcus our echoage hero


Toronto Humane Society

Twenty One Pilots Concert Tickets.

Meet Olivia our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

Wanted a Jaguar to adopt.

Meet Owen our echoage hero


Community Food Centres Canada

Transforming Mewtwo Pokemon

Meet Kate our echoage hero


Ontario SPCA and Humane Society

A robot dog.

Meet Edward Chen our echoage hero

Edward Chen

World Animal Protection Canada


Meet Noah our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

Noah chose an Eastern Wolf plushie from Earth Rangers and he will be choosing some new Lego.

Meet Samara our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

LOL Rescue Vet Set

Meet Matias our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

A case for the Nintendo, a game and lots of books.

Meet Harley Z our echoage hero

Harley Z

Chai Lifeline Canada

I bought Vipers and plan to buy stocks with my financial advisor

Meet Riaan our echoage hero


Daily Bread Food Bank

We haven’t picked one out yet.

Meet Molly our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

Perler Beads and some other things she hasn't picked out yet.

Meet THEA our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

Rainbow High Doll and clothes.

Meet Riley our echoage hero


Right To Play Canada

Soccer cards and Liverpool FC gear!

Meet Jojo & Elle our echoage hero

Jojo & Elle

Federation CJA

Barbie house

Meet Koby our echoage hero


United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto

Fit Bit

Meet Koby our echoage hero


United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto

A Fitbit

Meet Jacob Dowers our echoage hero

Jacob Dowers

Toronto Public Library Foundation

Roblox accessories

Meet Archie our echoage hero


Campfire Circle

just donations to campfire circle!

Meet MASON our echoage hero


Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation

A gaming keyboard and mouse.

Meet Harper Handelman our echoage hero

Harper Handelman

United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto

Still deciding!

Meet Ally our echoage hero


Toronto Humane Society

Science experiments, arts and crafts, jewelry making kits, dolls.

Meet Addie our echoage hero


United Hatzalah Canada

A few Magic Mixies, and a new bike

Meet Jack Shaver our echoage hero

Jack Shaver

Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada

Soccer goalie gloves

Meet VICKY our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

visits to the Lazy Cat Cafe

Meet Caden our echoage hero


The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

I would like to go fishing at a cottage with my grandparents

Meet Jonah our echoage hero


Earth Rangers

I chose wildlife adoption.

Meet Ethan our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

Something to do with animals - Ethan is still deciding.

Meet Kameron our echoage hero


Daily Bread Food Bank


Meet Carter Lindenbaum our echoage hero

Carter Lindenbaum

The Children's Book Bank

He's going to put half in his savings to earn some interest (and learning what interest is). He's going to purchase BeyBlades over the weekend. If he has enough leftover, he is going to buy a 1-month Math Prodigy membership for himself and his brother.

Meet Caden our echoage hero


SickKids Foundation

He chose to save his money for a future family trip to Florida.

Meet Sigwan our echoage hero


Ontario SPCA and Humane Society


Meet Amara and Shay our echoage hero

Amara and Shay


The money went towards their new puppy named Chutney!

Meet Justin our echoage hero


Toronto Humane Society

Rock n Roll band shirts and live musical tickets.

Meet Mason our echoage hero


Ontario SPCA and Humane Society

“I haven’t decided on a gift yet… there are so many to choose from!”

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