Autism Speaks Canada: Charitable Giving with ECHOage


Autism Speaks Canada

Get your party started

E-Invitations, Group Gifts, Charitable Giving.

How it works

Step 1

Select custom invitations, rsvps, & thank you notes

Step 2

Your guests contribute to both Group Gifts and Autism Speaks Canada

Step 3

After the party, we send you the money & the rest to Autism Speaks Canada


Create an inclusive Canada for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. We do this through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families. Here are just some of the ways Autism Speaks Canada is working to support autistic Canadians and their families every day:

Providing equitable access to reliable information, services and supports across a lifespan is crucial to effectively support individuals and caregivers navigate the autism landscape.

Supporting research and innovation aimed at enhancing the quality of life and well-being for autistic individuals across their lifespan. We financially support and collaborate with prominent autism researchers, clinical healthcare providers, as well as autistic individuals and their families. We serve as a catalyst for innovation, groundbreaking research and discoveries. These advancements will pave the way for more personalized healthcare, services and supports.

Advocating and collaborating to extend the work of community partnerships to improve and expand access to comprehensive services and support for both autistic individuals and care providers.

Accelerating solutions to advance quality of life needs for autistic adults by enhancing the transition to adulthood, progressing employment opportunities, broadening housing availability and more.

Promoting principles of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access (IDEA) by continuing to improve the representation of this diverse community in our content and through expanding the reach of our resources and services. This includes autistic people across the spectrum, throughout the lifespan, and with an appreciation of the intersectional experiences within the autism community. This commitment extends to our organization's operations, practices, and decision-making, as well as our community engagement, programs, and initiatives.


We are so grateful for everything Autism Speaks Canada has done for us. They helped Christian get the head start he needed to be successful which was so important and their resources continue to help us navigate our journey. Tina - Toronto

Birthday Heroes

Myer morrow Our Hero

Myer Morrow

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about 1 year ago

Hudson Our Hero


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almost 5 years ago

Gus Our Hero


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over 5 years ago

Get your party started

2450 Victoria Park Ave, 400
Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4A2