E-Invitations, Group Gifts, Charitable Giving.
How it works
Step 1
Select custom invitations, rsvps, & thank you notes
Step 2
Your guests contribute to both Group Gifts and WaterAid Canada
Step 3
After the party, we send you the money & the rest to WaterAid Canada
WaterAid works with some of the world’s poorest people to help them gain access to clean water and decent toilets. Together with improved hygiene behaviour, like handwashing after using the toilet or before eating, these basic human rights are necessary for people to live healthy lives, go to school, earn an income, and break free from poverty. We work with local partners, who understand local issues, and provide them with the skills and support to help communities set up and manage practical and sustainable projects that meet their real needs. We also work locally and internationally to change policy and practice and ensure water, hygiene, and sanitation’s vital role in reducing poverty is recognized.