ECHOage Birthday Heroes Are
Changing The World

Read their stories and you will be inspired by their generosity and love. You’re never too small to make a big difference.

Meet Our ECHOage Birthday Hero


Sami Supported

North York General Foundation

Why I chose to support North York General Foundation

I chose the North York General Hospital Foundation because they took care of my baby sister after she was born early. She was in the hospital for almost 3 months before she could home and the doctors and nurses were great to all of us.

Sami's Gifts

Please consider contributing to North York General Hospital Foundation and a group gift.

Why I chose my gifts

I wasn't sure what I wanted for my birthday this year, as I already feel like I have everything I really need. I do love books and Lego though, so I used some of the money I received to buy a few books and a Lego set.